Tipster: | P/L Today: | Stakes: | ROI: | Net Profit |
4PA | -1.88 | 3.00 | -63% | 106.12 |
BLB | -1.09 | 10.00 | -11% | -4.25 |
BLIP | -3.22 | 4.72 | -68% | 5.65 |
CL | 0.00 | 0.00 | N/A | 36.41 |
CNB | 1.70 | 2.00 | 85% | 0.23 |
EI | -1.00 | 1.00 | -100% | 50.72 |
FB | 0.25 | 9.00 | 3% | 10.92 |
FE | 0.00 | 0.00 | N/A | 26.97 |
FI | -2.94 | 13.00 | -23% | 22.54 |
GVE | 1.10 | 1.00 | 110% | 6.19 |
LB | -1.00 | 1.00 | -100% | 2.02 |
MGB | -1.94 | 6.00 | -32% | 17.40 |
NB | -1.00 | 1.00 | -100% | -23.65 |
NMP | -2.25 | 2.25 | -100% | -4.98 |
PB | -1.25 | 1.25 | -100% | 15.65 |
SK | -8.56 | 16.00 | -54% | 41.03 |
SKS | 1.95 | 3.00 | 65% | -1.09 |
STR | -16.00 | 16.00 | -100% | 60.00 |
TRAM | 0.00 | 0.00 | N/A | -16.57 |
TRAS | 0.00 | 0.00 | N/A | -1.61 |
WRT | 0.00 | 0.00 | N/A | 7.01 |
AB | 1.70 | 1.00 | 170% | -1.17 |
MB | -1.00 | 1.00 | -100% | -2.90 |
22L | -1.98 | 6.00 | -33% | -2.52 |
Active total: | -32.23 | 80.50 | -28.97% | 350.10 |
All-time total: | 6909.59 | 4.29% | 220.44 |
There weren't any specific culprits for the mega financial loss I suffered today, there were just no standout performers. The last couple of months have been very difficult. Northern Monkey Punter has been diabolical, after an initial profit of 14 PTS I'm now in the negative by 5 PTS, that's a 19 PTS loss in just under 2 months. Equine Investments, Form Bet, Football Investor, Pro Bandit and Neural Bets have all contributed to a poor couple of months... on the other hand we've had good performances from 4 Pronged Attack, Mr Gekko Bets, Skeeve, Strikeline and Geert Van Elsen.
The Linebacker service changed its name to SportsUSA a few months back. The american football picks were doing well but the ice hockey ones have been poor. I won't be following any more tips that aren't american football ones. I have decided I won't be continuing with the 22 Legs service once the trial runs out on Monday.
There's a lot of negatively charged particles in me at the moment, this is a business and I treat it like one, but it just isn't going forward at all. In fact, it has been steadily going backwards. Going backwards is unsustainable especially when there are costs and of course, I need to take a small salary, which I haven't done once yet. All profits have been reinvested.
My answer as always is to produce my own systems, then I'll only have myself to blame if things take a turn for the worse. Apologies for the negative words, but getting stuff off my chest is what the blog is all about. It has been a tough period both mentally and financially. If I come through this it'll only serve to make me a better person.
Until tomorrow